AI-Enhanced Development of OER

AI@UNM Pilot Program: AI-enhanced generation of open educational resourcesDeadline to apply: May 15th, 2024

This summer, the College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences will run a Pilot Program for AI-Enhanced Open Educational Resource Creation. Participants will receive a stipend of $1000. More information and the application form at



Instructional Resources

Although the technology and conversations around the impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are evolving quite rapidly, it is already becoming clear that AI will have a definitive impact on educational institutions, along with many other aspects of society. For the instructor navigating this new space, there is a lot to know, with questions that range from AI and Academic Integrity (link includes an example syllabus statement) to Privacy Policies and Ethics. A recent article in the Washington Post (August 13, 2023) summed up the mixed fear of cheating and excitement about new opportunities that are being felt by instructors across the country.

For the Fall 2023 semester, UNM has some some AI detection capabilities built into TurnitIn Similarity (a plagiarism detection tool that is integrated with UNM Canvas). However, you should be aware that AI detection tools can generate false positives, and ubiquitous access to AI is not going away. Setting clear expectations with your class on when and how to ethically incorporate AI into their studies is an excellent best practice, and you may want to look at this crowd sourced list of AI Classroom policies to help you identify the right approach for your class. The UNM Lib Guide also has some great suggestions for thinking through how you structure assignments in the context of ubiquitous AI. This library of Creative Commons licensed syllabus icons also provides an interesting way to frame your thinking around how AI might be used in your course. If you do allow the use of AI, make sure your students know how to properly cite it.

Not sure where to start? Try this Research Guide of materials curated by UNM Libraries, or check out the training and workshops we've identified.

Below is a recording of the recent College of Arts & Science's event: Teaching and Learning with AI, with José Antonio Bowen.

Teaching and Learning with AI


We're not alone

In April 2023, WCET (the the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies) undertook a survey of how and why institutions were leveraging AI in education. The findings indicate that the use of AI to support teaching and learning is in its infancy and there is not a centralized response on many college campuses. If you'd like to learn more or participate in a community of practice around this, we'd love to have you join us.

A note about FERPA

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), students have the right to inspect and review most education records maintained about them by the University of New Mexico, and, in many cases, decide if a third person can obtain information from them. Many online services that have not been licensed by UNM or reviewed by UNM's Information Security and Privacy Office may have terms and conditions that do not protect privacy rights associated with educational records. It is also always a good idea to consult with UNM's Data Stewards before sharing UNM Data with external services. For this reason, it is important that students and instructors understand what limitations on privacy are imposed on them when they use online services, including AI engines. Students cannot be required to waive their FERPA rights to complete an assignment, and faculty and staff should avoid submitting information that could include private student information to services that have not been reviewed and secured for that purpose by the University of New Mexico.